FTMM NEWS – As quoted from the Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, “Earth is our home. Therefore, there is no second planet we can escape to if life on Earth becomes too difficult’’.

There has been a rising concern in the last few years that climate change. It’s worldwide environmental impacts may soon reach a tipping point that will be disastrous for mankind. There have been many attempts to solve Climate Change. Two of the more prominent attempts are the 2015 Paris Agreement and the Future Earth Research Program.

At the end of 2015, the global installed solar-based energy generating capacity surpassed 227 GW, producing approximately 1% of global electricity. Wind-based power generation capacity reached 435 GW in the same year, accounting for 7% of worldwide energy output. In 2022, the intensity of emissions fell to a record low of 436 gCO2/kWh. Wind and solar power now account for a record 12% of worldwide electricity output in 2022 too. Although it is a promising jump. It is still far from meeting the world’s need for electricity.

In my opinion, we are entering a new era of industrial perspective. This perspective is taking the environment as an important factor in the process of production; not only profit and companies benefits. Even though we are still far from reaching 100% green energy, the current results are encouraging that one day we will reach our goal of fully clean energy sources.


Jakobsson, I. G. V. (2022, November 3). Earth is our home. There is no second planet we can escape to if life on Earth becomes too difficult. Www.su.se; Department of Geological Sciences. https://www.su.se/department-of-geological-sciences/education/study-with-us/earth-is-our-home-there-is-no-second-planet-we-can-escape-to-if-life-on-earth-becomes-too-difficult-1.526369

Nations, U. (2023). The Paris Agreement. Unfccc.int; United Nations Climate Change. https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement#:~:text=How%20does%20the%20Paris%20Agreement

Cheng H. (2020). Future Earth and Sustainable Developments. Innovation (Cambridge (Mass.)), 1(3), 100055. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xinn.2020.100055

Nowotny, J., Dodson, J., Fiechter, S., Gür, T. M., Kennedy, B., Macyk, W., Bak, T., Sigmund, W., Yamawaki, M., & Rahman, K. A. (2018). Towards global sustainability: Education on environmentally clean energy technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81(1364-0321), 2541–2551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.060

Wiatros-Motyka, M. (2023, April 11). Global Electricity Review 2023. Ember. https://ember-climate.org/insights/research/global-electricity-review-2023/#supporting-material


Penulis : Mohammed Abdullah Ahmed Mareai

Editor : Ananta Adhi Wardana


By sintek